About Us

Our Mission

In July 2016, Cardinal Cupich announced the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Renew My Church initiative, an important step for the Church to reimagine, dream and plan for the future as a vital member of the community. Our goal is to always serve the Catholic community in Cook and Lake Counties in a way that meets their needs and recognizes the changes in culture and demographics that impact us all.

With that, we are excited to share and welcome you to the Department for Parish Vitality and Mission (DPVM) website.

What is DPVM?

The Department for Parish Vitality and Mission, or DPVM, is made up of five offices that support parishes and schools in Cook and Lake Counties in their ministries.

Our Offices

The DPVM is broken down into offices. See below for a description of each.

Office for Parish Renewal

The Office for Parish Renewal serves parishes in their efforts to implement a Discipleship Pathway that accompanies people to encounter Christ, grow as disciples, and be equipped to go out into the world as missionary disciples. This office includes teams focused on evangelization and missionary discipleship, supporting pastors and parish leadership teams, pastoral accompaniment, and reaching those at the beginning stages of exploring faith.

Office of Lifelong Formation

The mission of the Office of Lifelong Formation is to support, accompany and equip our parish and Catholic school lay leadership and their ministries to empower all members of the Church with a lifelong process that inspires and deepens faith and relationships with Christ.

This office includes services associated with Marriage and Family Ministries, Catechesis, and Youth and Young Adult Ministry.

Office for Divine Worship

The Office for Divine Worship helps parishes to encounter Christ through the liturgy and receive nourishment through prayer, worship, and the feasts and seasons of the liturgical year.

This office works in collaboration with the Liturgy Training Publications.

Office of Human Dignity and Solidarity

The mission of the Office of Human Dignity and Solidarity is to form and accompany the people of the Archdiocese of Chicago to recognize the dignity of all life and to be in solidarity with our sisters and brothers on the margins.

This office includes Respect Life and Chastity Education, Immigration Ministry, Care for Creation Ministry, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Catholic Relief Services, Domestic Violence Outreach, Kolbe House Jail Ministry and Amate House.

Global Mission Office

The Global Mission Office, also known as the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, facilitates direct support from parishes and schools within the Archdiocese of Chicago for over 350 distinct mission causes in more than 40 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.