Lifelong Formation


“Kerygmatic catechesis, which goes to the very heart of the faith and grasps the essence of the Christian message, is a catechesis which manifests the action of the Holy Spirit, who communicates God’s saving love in Jesus Christ and continues to give himself so that every human being may have fullness of life.” (DC 2) Additionally, “Catechesis as mystagogic initiation introduces the believer into the living experience of the Christian community, the true setting of the life of faith.” (DC 2) All elements of a parish’s faith formation curriculum should focus on supporting a kerygmatic catechesis that includes mystagogical experiences. The following information will help leaders to ensure that catechetical materials are grounded in these characteristics.

If you need assistance in selecting a catechetical series, adapting religion curriculum standards, or planning safe environment lessons for your faith formation program, don’t hesitate to contact us.