Human Dignity and Solidarity

Season of Creation

Homily of His Excellency, Most Reverend Robert Casey at the Solemn Vespers for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (PDF) and Visit (Here) to see recording of this Homily
September 1, 2023

Fr. John Pawlikowski’s Homily: Responding to Laudato Si’. A Call to Action. Assumption Catholic Church, Chicago, IL September 10, 2023


Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the World of Prayer for the Care of Creation

“Hope and Act with Creation” is the theme of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to be held on 1 September 2024. The theme is drawn from Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans (8:19-25), where the Apostle explains what it means for us to live according to the Spirit and focuses on the sure hope of salvation that is born of faith, namely, newness of life in Christ.

Faith is a gift, the fruit of the Spirit’s presence in us, but it is also a task to be undertaken freely, in obedience to Jesus’ commandment of love. Such is the blessed hope to which we must bear witness. Yet where, when, and how are we to bear that witness? Surely by caring for the flesh of suffering humanity. As people who dare to dream, we must dream with our eyes wide open, impelled by a desire for love, fraternity, friendship and justice for all. Christian salvation enters into the depths of the world’s suffering, which embraces not only humanity but also the entire universe, nature itself, and the oikos, the home and living environment of humanity. Salvation embraces creation as an “earthly paradise,” mother earth, which is meant to be a place of joy and a promise of happiness for all.”

Visit here to read in entirety the Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the World of Prayer for the Care of Creation 2024.

What is the Feast of Creation?

“Beginning September 1, the Feast of Creation, also known as Creation Day or World Day of Prayer for Creation, is the inspirational celebration that cultivates the larger Season of Creation that flows from it. Inspired by a rich tradition of the Orthodox Church, it was later embraced by the World Council of Churches in 2008 and the Catholic Church in 2015. 

Besides being a moment to repent for our sinful desecration of the gift of Creation and pray for its healing, the feast honors God as Creator and commemorates the great mystery of the creation of the cosmos. In other words, this feast is not just about celebrating ‘Creation as the created world’ that God gifted us, but most importantly it is about celebrating ‘Creation as foundational mystery’ of our Christian faith…In a nutshell, it is a moment to thank and praise the Triune God as Creator.

This year, 2024, September 1 falls on a Sunday, so it is a very special occasion to encourage your church or community to include the feast and mystery of Creation in the Sunday celebration. It is worth reminding the community about Sunday’s dual symbolism as both “the day of Creation” – “the first day of the week” when God began the creative act, as per Genesis 1 – and “the day of the Resurrection” (as affirmed for example by St. Justin Martyr, First Apology, 67, and St. Gregory the Great, Primo die quo Trinitas, 1). 

Excerpts from A Liturgical Opportunity; An Ecumenical Kairos. An Emerging Consensus to Enhance the “Feast of Creation” and Honour the Creator

From Thursday, September 1 to Tuesday, October 4, 2024, Christians around the world will be celebrating the Season of Creation by praying and boldly responding in solidarity to care for our common home.

The Season of Creation is a time to join together to live the Catholic faith and care for God’s gift of creation in transformative ways. To love God, we must honor all that God has created. To love our neighbor requires us as Christians to preserve, protect, pray, and advocate for all that sustains life. Catholics are uniting with others in the Christian family to protect and act for every creature in God’s beautifully mysterious web of creation during every season of the year.

Season of Creation Resources

Visit Here for the Vatican Dicastery for the Promoting Integral Human Development

Feast of Creation Celebration Ideas from the Laudato Si’ Research Institute at Oxford University

Visit here for more information and resources for parishes from prior years.
Visit here for additional information about the Season of Creation.

Season of Creation Events

Saturday, August 31  |  7 – 9 p.m.
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation-Solemn Vespers

St. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church, 1401 Wagner Road, Glenview, IL 60025
Following the service, a reception with speaker Dr. Debjani Ghatak, Loyola University Professor in the School of Environmental Sustainability, will speak on the Science of Climate Change after the service. All are welcome. (Link)

Sunday, September 15   2 p.m. 
Season of Creation Meditation Walk

St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, 1000 East Maple Avenue, Mundelein, IL 60060
(Enter from Rte. 45 and meet in the purple guest parking lot by the water tower, rain or shine.) All ages welcome. 
Sponsored by Creation Care at St. Joseph Parish, Libertyville

October 4
Feast of St. Francis and ongoing Laudato Si' Action Platform enrollment

Check back for updates and additional events!

Season of Creation Resources for Schools

Season of Creation for Grades 1-5
Season of Creation for Grades 6-12

For more information on this and other Laudato Si’ Action Platform/Care for Creation efforts throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago, please explore these webpages and contact [email protected]