Human Dignity and Solidarity

Parish Creation Care Committee

Forming a Creation Care Committee

Parishes are invited to form integral Creation Care Committees that reflect the teachings of Laudato Si’. This path integrates ministries, staff, and parishioners to efficiently collaborate on developing Laudato Si’ initiatives, prayer, education, liturgy, and transformative actions to respond to the inseparable Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor.

Once established, the Creation Care Committee uses the Vatican’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) as an invaluable means to support parish engagement with the LSAP Goals to fulfill the parish’s mission, ministry and operations as it relates to the care of creation.

This integral, inclusive parish-wide journey is supported by LSAP vicariate facilitators and parish-to-parish networking across the Archdiocese of Chicago, bringing to life the Church’s principles of synodality, solidarity and subsidiarity. Caring for all of God’s creation is a fruitful avenue for bringing new life across the generations as we find ways to renew our Church together.

For more information on forming a Creation Care Committee, please contact us at [email protected].