Catechetical Sunday
Catechetical Sunday Resources
While Catechetical Sunday is a day to recognize and celebrate the faithful who have received a particular calling from God to the service of parish catechetical ministry, it is also an opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of his or her Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Thus, catechists, as participants in Jesus’ mission of introducing others into relationship with the Father, include: parents, godparents and grandparents, parish catechetical leaders and catechists, ministers of youth and young adults, Catholic school principals and teachers, PreCana facilitators, RCIA leaders, and all individuals who provide faith formation to diverse age groups in various settings.
The resources below are intended to (1) assist parish leaders in planning for and celebrating Catechetical Sunday in the parish, and (2) enrich the faith-lives of all catechists.
- General Resources
- USCCB Catechetical Sunday Resources
- Commissioning Service (English, Spanish)
- Description: This ceremony for the blessing and commissioning of catechists is intended to take place at the Eucharistic liturgy on Catechetical Sunday.
- Archdiocese of Chicago Resources for Parish Leaders and ALL Catechists
- Catechetical Sunday 2023: “Come to Me All You Who Labor and are Burdened”
- Description: Reflection Guide for catechists based on Scripture readings that inspire trust in the Lord which leads to peace.
- Catechetical Sunday 2022: “This is My Body Given for You”
- Description: Reflection Guide for catechists based on the USCCB document “The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church”
- The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church (USCCB)
- Catechetical Sunday 2021: “Say the Word and My Soul Shall be Healed”
- Description: Reflection Guide for catechists based on Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter “Instituting the Ministry of Catechist”
- Antiquum Ministerium (Pope Francis)
- Catechetical Sunday 2023: “Come to Me All You Who Labor and are Burdened”