Tools to educate parishioners about the efforts to legalize assisted suicide in Illinois
Polling data show many Illinoisians do not understand the consequences of legalizing assisted suicide, including Catholics. What may seem like a compassionate choice may be in fact influenced by financial considerations and the lack of support to help patients and their families. Data from other states where assisted suicide is legal reveal that it is often not chosen for the reasons stated in public arguments.
Education is needed in the months ahead on this subject, especially to clarify Church teaching on this emotional issue and to help parishioners understand the consequences of making assisted suicide legal in Illinois.
Please help spread the “Message from the Catholic Bishops” in your Parish bulletins as well as the other materials from this packet and urge parishioners to contact their elected officials.
The Catholic Conference of Illinois (CCI) and the Illinois Catholic Health Association (ICHA), working with our diocesan offices, have prepared the attached packet to assist you in talking with parishioners. It includes a variety of resources for both clergy and the laity. Here are some principal points to consider as you review the packet:
- Know what is happening – CCI has a landing page on its website that includes a brief webinar and other information to help you understand this issue. Please visit
- Know the positive Catholic position on end-of-life care – Genuine Catholic teaching offers real compassion for dying people, works with them to alleviate suffering, and does not impose an obligation to use extraordinary means to prolong life. Catholic teaching offers real respect for the life and dignity of people.
- Recognize the fallacies and distortions – In pushing this legislation forward, its promoters will inevitably tap into people’s fears (e.g. “There can terrible pain at the end of life”), neglect better possibilities for end-of-life care (e.g. palliative care) and mischaracterize assisted suicide as “compassionate care.”
- Understand the consequences – There are significant consequences that affect everyone, not just the person who wishes to end their life.
- Catholics are not alone in their opposition – Physicians, the disability community and others are also opposed.
If you have any questions, I encourage you to contact CCI at 312.368.1066.