When the Catholic bishops of the United States established the CCHD in 1969, they mandated the Campaign to fund “such projects as voter registration, community organizations, community-run schools, minority-owned cooperatives and credit unions, capital for industrial development and job training programs, and setting up of rural cooperatives.” Today, we point to hundreds of CCHD — funded organizations that have grown to extend and build bonds in their communities for the common good.
Grants to support grassroots social justice organizations are made possible by Catholics throughout the United States who contribute to CCHD each year. To qualify for CCHD funds, applicant organizations must not promote, in any way, activities that work against Catholic values. CCHD's grants to local anti-poverty efforts are screened, awarded and monitored in close partnership with local Catholic dioceses and require the explicit approval of the local bishop.
CCHD will be welcoming new applicants to fill out pre-applications in late summer. Please download our Local Funding Guide to see if CCHD would be a good opportunity for your organization.
Current Grantees
Local Level
- Alliance for Community Services
- Male Mogul Initiative
- Working Family Solidarity
- St. Agatha Dream Builders Association
- Genesis Cleaning Cooperative
- South Food Coop