Child and Youth Education
In 1843, French Bishop Charles de Forbin-Janson saw that children could play their part in the Church’s mission and even stir adults to this same missionary spirit. Originally, Bishop Charles asked the children of France to help children in the missions of North America and China. He asked them to pray a Hail Mary every day and donate a penny each month. Their motto was, “Children Helping Children.”
There are four necessary aspects of participation in the mission of the universal Church. The Global Mission Office encourages mission educators to include each one in their formation.
Pray: Pope Francis calls prayer “the soul of all missionary activity” and so prayer for the Church, all our sisters and brothers in faith, is essential.
Learn: Young people must learn about our worldwide Church, which means learning more about children and families around the world. It also means reflecting on what Scriptures and the Church teach us about Christ’s mission.
Proclaim: A member of MCA also proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ in actions and in words. This means sharing the love of God and following the example of Jesus every day.
Act: Being a member of MCA also means getting involved in works of Christian charity and solidarity. This may mean practical projects to care for the universal Church or acts of stewardship in support of the work of missionaries around the world.
Contact us if you would like to join MCA.
All resources listed below are available to be requested through the MCA Order Form (see images below). Send the form by email, fax or regular mail. You may direct all questions and concerns regarding MCA to Megan Mio. More resources and ideas become available seasonally.
- MCA Poster (large for classrooms, small for households)
- MCA Prayer Bookmark or Card
- MCA Collection Box
- World Mission Rosary Poster (limited quantities)
- World Mission Rosary Videos
- World Mission Rosary Brochure (English | Spanish | Polish) (order mission rosaries here)
- Paper Loop Rosary (Link)
- MCA Kids Page - learn about children around the world at
- MCA – A History of Helping (Link)
- Litany of Missionary Saints (English | Spanish | Polish)
- Missionary Childhood International Bulletin (English | Spanish)
- Learn about Bl. Pauline Jaricot, Foundress of Propagation of the Faith (Link)
MCA Stations of the Cross
Lent Missionary Prayer (link)
Lenten Litany for a Humble Heart (link)