Human Dignity and Solidarity

Kolbe House Stories

Blessed and Broken

Blessed and Broken is a quarterly anthology of creative art by persons currently or formerly incarcerated in Cook County and Illinois Department of Corrections facilities. It seeks to lift up the voices of our sisters and brothers impacted by incarceration.

Blessed and Broken Issues:
Spring 2021 (PDF)
Summer 2021 (PDF)
Fall 2021 (PDF)

If you know someone in a correctional facility in Illinois who may like to submit a poem or drawing, they can mail it to:

Kolbe House Blessed and Broken
2434 South California Avenue
Chicago, IL 60608

Prayer Intentions

Through our ministry, we accompany men, women and families in moments of distress and great need. We honor their voices by sharing their prayer intentions with our prayer ministry community via email. To become involved in Kolbe House Prayer Ministry and regularly receive prayer intentions, please fill out this form.