Immigrant Social Ministries
Introduced in 2010, Pastoral Migratoria ® invites Hispanic immigrants to respond to their baptismal call to holiness and engage in service and justice actions in their parish communities. Currently, more than 200 Hispanic lay leaders and 40 Hispanic parishes actively participate in Pastoral Migratoria ® in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Pastoral Migratoria ® also responds to the call to evangelize and bring individuals and society to Christ.
Leadership Development and Reflection
Candidates for Pastoral Migratoria ® participate in a six-week leadership training series based in Catholic social teaching and the listen-learn-proclaim (see-judge-act) methodology. The training uses a series of formation modules that integrate reflection on Scripture from an immigrant’s perspective and analysis on civic issues facing the immigrant community. Ongoing leadership development includes elements such as public speaking, conducting meetings, teamwork, organizing workshops and information tables, and community organizing. There are also ongoing opportunities for prayer and biblical reflection, including retreats and forums.
After completing the initial training and being commissioned for this ministry, lay leaders work at the parish level to identify and prioritize the social and pastoral needs of their local community and strategize a response with service and justice actions.
Justice, Service, and Accompaniment
Pastoral agents play a major role in advancing immigrant rights and integration by working towards systemic change in society and meeting the immediate social and pastoral needs of the local immigrant community. In support of the Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform Justice for Immigrants, pastoral agents participate in the planning and implementation of advocacy initiatives, such as postcard and petition campaigns, in their local parishes. They organize prayer vigils, pilgrimages, and congressional visits involving their parish communities. Additionally, pastoral agents take leadership roles in the local rollout of new immigration policies such as the Temporary Visitor Driver’s Licenses and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.
The pastoral agents also provide basic human support and accompaniment. They work in collaboration with community organizations and partner institutions to disseminate information through the infrastructure of their parish, provide workshops with professionals or experts in a particular area, bring resources to the parish community, and accompany families who are experiencing detention or deportation.
Resources for Pastoral Migratoria ® – Recursos Informativos para Pastoral Migratoria ®
Formation Booklets English
- Introduction: Pastoral Migratoria ® (PDF)
- Session 1: The Call to Immigrant Social Ministry (PDF)
- Session 2: The Reality of Immigration (PDF)
- Session 3: Human Dignity (PDF)
- Session 4: Rights and Duties as Children of God (PDF)
- Session 5: Collaborators in God’s Work (PDF)
- Session 6: Joining Hands, Efforts, and Hearts: Solidarity (PDF)
Formation Booklets Spanish
- Introducción: Pastoral Migratoria ® (PDF)
- Sesión 1: El Llamado a la Pastoral Migratoria ® (PDF)
- Sesión 2: La Realidad de la Inmigración (PDF)
- Sesión 3: Dignidad Humana (PDF)
- Sesión 4: Derechos y Obligaciones Como Hijos de Dios (PDF)
- Sesión 5: Colaboradores en la Obra de Dios (PDF)
- Sesión 6: Unir Manos, esfuerzos, y Corazones: Solidaridad (PDF)
- Libro de Oraciones (Prayer Book) (PDF)
Currently, more than 50 Polish lay leaders in six Polish parishes are actively participating in Polish Social Ministry in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Polish Social Ministry also responds to the call to evangelize and bring individuals and society to Christ.
Read more about the Polish Social Ministry (Brochure)
If you have any questions, please contact Malgorzata Tys at [email protected] or 773.720.5974.