Golden Wedding
Congratulations to all of the couples celebrating 50 years of marriage this year!
The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass is scheduled to be held Sunday, September 14, 2025 at 2:30 p.m. The mass will be celebrated at Holy Name Cathedral, 735 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60654.
Please register by September 8, 2025.
When and where will the mass take place?
The Mass will be September 14, 2025 at Holy Name Cathedral. The address is 735 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60654.
What time does the Mass begin?
The Mass will begin at 2:30pm Central Time.
What time should we be there?
We ask couples to arrive no earlier than 2pm.
What do we wear?
Please wear your Sunday best. Some couples do come in evening gowns and tuxedos, but that is not necessary. Feel free to wear a corsage or boutonniere if you would like. We encourage you to celebrate your wedding anniversary!
Handicap parking?
Yes, there is handicap parking available.
Will there be someone to help me when I get to the church?
Yes, in the front of church, there will be people assisting those that need help and will also help to guide you inside the parish.
Will I get an invitation?
No, your registration serves as your RSVP for the Mass.
Do we need tickets?
No, physical or electronic tickets are needed to enter the event.
Is there reserved seating?
No, only those that request accessible seating will have reserved seating. Seating is on a first come, first serve basis.
Is there accessible seating?
Yes, if you need accessible seating, during your registration, there is a field to enter your special need.
How long will the Mass last?
The Mass should last about an hour and a half.
Will the Mass be broadcasted anywhere?
We will be streaming the Mass live via YouTube on the day of the Mass. This is a great way for your families and friends to participate from afar. A YouTube video will also be available after the Mass. Please visit to find the live streaming link on the day of the Golden Wedding Anniversary.
Will there be parking available?
Yes, the parking garage is in the One Chicago building basement — 14 West Superior Street, Chicago, IL 60654. Parking Lot entrance is on Superior just East of Dearborn.
Will there be people helping in the parking lot?
Yes, Archdiocesan Staff will be assisting.
Where are the bathrooms located?
The restrooms are located in the lower level of the Cathedral. There are stairs at the entrance of the parish and there is an elevator on the southeast corner of the lobby. Appropriate signage will be available.
What are the nearest highways?
Are there stairs?
Yes, however there is also an elevator in the entrance corner of State St. and Superior St.
Can I bring guests? How many?
Yes, we have a limit of two guests per couple. Please be mindful that many couples will want to come to this celebration and seating will be prioritized for couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
I registered with my parish how do I get my tickets?
No tickets are required for entry.
Do I have to present tickets?
No, your registration serves as RSVP.
Do my guests need to have tickets?
No tickets for guests are required, but to ensure seating for all couples celebrating, we ask that each couple only bring up to 2 guests.
What happens if we can no longer attend at the last minute?
We understand that there are things that come up at the last minute or there may be a family emergency. We will be mailing certificates out to all couples after the Mass whether in attendance or not.
What is the fee?
There is no fee for this event.
Will I get my certificate the day of the wedding?
Certificates will be mailed to your address a few weeks after the Mass. They should arrive to you within the month after the Mass, thank you for your patience.
Light snacks refreshments will be served in the parish garden following the Mass for Jubilarians and their family to celebrate. During this time certificates will be handed out in the courtyard. If you are unable to attend we will be mailing out the certificates.
Is there a collection during Mass?
There is no collection during Mass, but you may give a free will offering. You can give your donation via an envelope which will be provided to you with your certificate post-mass.
I still have more questions. Can I call you?
Absolutely. Please call us at 312.534.8351 if you have any additional questions.