Human Dignity and Solidarity

En qué estamos trabajando

Amate House

Community Initiatives

In 2015 alone, Amate House impacted more than 21,000 lives through its programs. Through our relationships, our volunteers serve in fields including but not limited to:

  • Community Organizing
  • Health Education and Outreach
  • Legal Aid
  • Marketing and Public Relations
  • Ministry of Presence for the Elderly or Homeless
  • Nursing (professional degree required)
  • Social Work and Case Management
  • Social Services/Resources/Accompaniment
  • Teaching/Teacher’s Aide
  • Tutoring and Mentoring
  • Youth Ministry and Campus Ministry

Catholic Campaign for Human Development

The Work CCHD Supports

The mission of CCHD is made possible by the generous support of Catholics in the United States. Through their generosity, CCHD has invested millions of dollars into organizations committed to robust community and economic development. Twenty-five organizations in Cook and Lake counties benefited from $630,000 in grants this year. They include community organizations, worker's cooperatives, credit unions, and coalitions that support public safety, immigrant rights, workers’ rights, disability rights and restorative justice, among other issues to overcome poverty and injustice.

See our 2015 annual report for more information on these organizations and their work. (PDF)

Catholic Relief Services

Community Initiatives
  • Conduct emergency response initiatives.
  • Oversee CRS Local Grants.
  • Promote and execute the CRS Rice Bowl.

Domestic Violence Outreach

Community Initiatives
  • Eighty-nine parishes have had preaching at all the weekend Masses on domestic violence.
  • Seventy-five parishes have formed ministries on domestic violence. 
  • Participating parishes meet twice a year to learn and share experiences and challenges, and to work on: 

Catholic Charities assists by providing counseling and training.

  • Connecting to services.
  • Promoting prevention.
  • Raising awareness.
Community Information and Support

On our site, one can find articles, videos, manuals on developing a ministry, prayers of the faithful, bulletin inserts and potential parish activities.


Community Initiatives

Nearly 100 workshops have been conducted at parishes per year by pastoral agents on topics such as labor, immigration, financial literacy, health, substance abuse, and Know your Rights to protect and inform immigrant families in response to raids by ICE. 

2,300 people in 35 parishes participated in informational workshops on Administrative Relief (DACA/DAPA) in 2015. 

Community Information and Support

180,000 informational materials were distributed on anti-fraud, DACA/DAPA, housing, income taxes, Consulate of Mexico resources in 2015. 

In the last 9 months, more than 40,500 informational brochures were distributed on diabetes and breast cancer prevention, worker’s rights, financial literacy, deportation prevention, and Bienvenido Paisano guide to travel to Mexico. 

PM leaders organized 3 Jornadas Sabatinas/ Saturday Services with the consulate of Mexico to provide passports, Mexican IDs, and other documentation to 1,050 people from local parishes.

Justice Actions

15,000 signatures were collected from 55 parishes and religious congregations to end family detentions in 2015. 
60 leaders were trained and organized to provide educational sessions and register new eligible voters as part of the Faithful Citizenship Campaign, 2016. 

Respect Life Chastity Education

Community Initiatives
  • The Chastity Education Initiative addresses both abstinence from sexual activity until marriage and abstinence from alcohol, drugs and risky behaviors, providing up-to-date curricula, speakers, retreats, rallies and chastity materials.
  • Respect Life Clubs at local high schools as well as college outreach programs build a culture of life and assist young adults in their quest to create a better world.
  • Host opportunities for prayer and worship throughout the weeks of the year.
Community Information and Support
  • Actively engage Catholic Spanish speaking communities with the pro-life chastity message.
  • Provide support for women experiencing the devastating aftermath of abortion.