Human Dignity and Solidarity


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Founded in 1969, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is the national, anti-poverty, social justice program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops. The bishops have given CCHD the mission to address the root causes of poverty in the United States through promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations. CCHD has the complementary mission of educating on poverty and its causes in our country. CCHD is a work of faith and transformation, and a sign of the Gospel at work. In low-income communities across the United States, CCHD puts into practice Catholic teaching on the life and dignity of every human person and the Gospel’s command to care for “the least of these” (Matthew 25). It also answers the Holy Father’s call to practice solidarity as we help the poor to help themselves overcome injustice and escape poverty.

CCHD invests millions of dollars into organizations in Chicago and the United States that are committed to robust community and economic development. It is an honor to support more than $435,000 in grants during 2023-2024 to organizations in Cook and Lake County that are working on issues like public safety, immigration, housing, education, restorative justice, the rights of workers, seniors, and people with disabilities, and many other important social issues of our time. These organizations enable low-income individuals most affected by these matters to join and identify the root causes, make decisions and organize actions to improve their communities.

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