Human Dignity and Solidarity

Immigrant Assistance Resources

Provided here are links and contact information for organizations that offer pastoral, humanitarian and legal advocacy support for immigrants, refugees and all in need. The descriptions are provided by the respective organizations. Please see their websites for a full understanding of programs and services offered.




United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB)

Responding to Immigration Enforcement Efforts
Respuesta a ls esfuerzos de aplicación de la ley de inmigración

Pastoral Migratoria

The Immigration Ministry of the Archdiocese of Chicago answers the call to welcome all immigrants in Cook and Lake counties. In doing so, we build communion between immigrants and non-immigrants as brothers and sisters in Christ and accompany and empower immigrants toward their formation and integration as members of society and people of faith in the one family of God.

Taller de José

We offer companionship and personal attention to people who have difficulty finding their way in a complex social services system. We collaborate with services in the city, we listen to our clients and then connect them with the resources they need. A Compañero/a makes social services more accessible.

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago

We accompany anyone in need, regardless of their faith, gender, race, or ethnicity. In fact, the majority of the thousands of people we serve each day are not Catholic.

  • For our neighbors in need, call 312.655.7700 Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. | 90-second wait time
  • Immigrant and Refugee Services: Catholic Charities coordinates programming to help immigrants and refugees develop a plan for the next stage of their lives. For immigrants, our teams can assist with family reunifications and family visa petitions, among other services recognized by the US Department of Justice. Individuals unable or unwilling to return to their home countries for fear of persecution or repression can also seek help through our programming, along with comprehensive case management, employment services, and school placement.


American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)

Find an immigration lawyer by practice specialization, geographic area and language fluency. | 202.507.7600 (Español)

National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC)

NIJC’s mission is to establish and defend the legal rights of immigrants, regardless of background, and to transform the immigration system to one that affords equal opportunity for all. | 312.660.1328 (Español)

Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC)

Embracing the Gospel value of welcoming the stranger, CLINIC promotes the dignity and protects the rights of immigrants in partnership with a dedicated network of Catholic and community legal immigration programs. | 301.565.4800

The Resurrection Project

We provide the tools and services necessary to navigate a complex immigration legal system, ensuring access to justice for immigrants. We strive to keep families together and protect the rights of our most vulnerable community members. We advocate for immigration policies and offer high-quality legal screenings, representation, and bilingual trainings. | 312.666.1623

National Immigration Legal Services Directory – Immigration Advocates Network

Allows users to search for free or low-cost immigration legal services providers by state, county, or detention facility. Users can refine their search by areas and types of legal assistance provided, populations served, and languages spoken. (English & Spanish)

Chicago Volunteer Legal Services (CVLS)

CVLS is comprised of 2,100+ volunteer attorneys who donate free services to thousands of low-income Chicagoans annually. Our services are 100% free, accessible & real. We have done our best to bring together all the resources of the great city of Chicago. We do this by utilizing our small staff to support and train a pool of thousands of volunteer attorneys from more than 990 firms, companies, and organizations throughout the city. We support, organize and train these wonderful volunteers in order to make the biggest impact in the most cost-effective way possible. | 312.332.1624

North Suburban Legal Aid Clinic

We provide accessible, quality, equitable, free legal services in the areas of domestic violence, housing, and immigration to give low-income, at-risk community members access to justice and the opportunity to live productive and secure lives. | 847.737.4042

Life Span (domestic violence)

Provides comprehensive services for survivors and children, enabling them to live without violence, build upon their strengths and become self-sufficient. | 312.408.1210 (Español)