Human Dignity and Solidarity

Acerca de nosotros

As disciples of Jesus Christ, rooted in Gospel values and our rich Catholic social tradition, the Immigration Ministry of the Office of Human Dignity and Solidarity fulfills the Church’s evangelization leadership role by welcoming immigrants in Cook and Lake Counties, building communion between immigrants and non-immigrants as brothers and sisters in Christ, and accompanying and empowering immigrants toward their formation and integration as full members of society and people of faith in the one family of God. 

The Immigration Ministry of the Archdiocese of Chicago serves as a national model to support undocumented and documented immigrants and promote Christ’s desire for communio between immigrant and non-immigrant communities. We create a society where immigrants will be welcomed and their cultural gifts celebrated; immigrants will remain united with their families and share meaningful and mutual relationships with non-immigrants; immigrants will rediscover and/or deepen their faith, and become engaged in acts of service among their brothers and sisters and be actively involved in the transformation of society seeking justice for all.